Pending Approval

Ridiculously easy flowers for border illustrations

The border style of the mid to late 1400s emphasized speed and simplicity of its elements, which were then layered to produce the illusion of complexity. Many of the flowers are barely a step above
doodling. Dame Matildis will teach the techniques for several types of flowers, then students will paint an artist trading card using these techniques.

Matildias la Libraire


Arts & Sciences - Visual Arts

History - 1400-1500


Medieval Footman VS Mounted Knight: Advice for the Fighter on Foot

Medieval Footman VS Mounted Knight: Advice for the Fighter on Foot

Medieval Footman VS Mounted Knight: Advice for the Fighter on Foot

Matt Easton - Scholagladiatoria
Martial Arts - Equestrian

ALL Medieval & Renaissance POLEARMS or Staff Weapons CATEGORIZED

ALL Medieval & Renaissance POLEARMS or Staff Weapons CATEGORIZED

In this extra length feature video I attempt to define and categorize ALL the main types of medieval and renaissance polearms (AKA staff weapons).

Matt Easton - Scholagladiatoria
History - 1500-1600
Martial Arts - Heavy Weapons

Dukes & Duchesses, Knights & Barons, and What on Earth is a Marquess?!

Dukes & Duchesses, Knights & Barons, and What on Earth is a Marquess?!

From the moment of its inception, the Society for Creative Anachronism has strived to authentically recreate the arts, sciences, combat, and courtesy of various times all long gone by. In this pursuit, a vast array of pageantry has emerged across the Known World - with a sea of royals and nobles in pointy hats presiding over it all. But have you ever stopped to think why a knight would stand before one baron and behind another? Or why a master artisan holds a higher station than someone with a coronet on their head? In this class, we will explore the social structures of surrounding the nobility of the European Medieval and Renaissance eras, its counterparts in the Society, and how the two evolved into the modern systems we have today to honor those bygone times.

Antonio di Sforza
SCA Studies - SCA Life
SCA Studies - SCA History and Interkingdom Anthropology

War Games at the Field of the Cloth of Gold

War Games at the Field of the Cloth of Gold

2020 marks the 500th anniversary of the Field of the Cloth of Gold, one of the most extraordinary diplomatic events of the late medieval period. Although commonly regarded as a ‘peace festival’, the meeting might more usefully be described as a two-week long war game. The lecture will set the Field in context, examine the crucial role played by Cardinal Wolsey in organising it, and the spectacular temporary structures built to house the event. It will offer insights into the history of sixteenth-century Anglo-French relations, and of the European Renaissance monarchy more generally.

Professor Glenn Richardson, St Mary’s University Twickenham
History - 1500-1600

Principles and Techniques of the Drop Step

Principles and Techniques of the Drop Step

Baron Louis discusses the use of the drop step in SCA fighting. He also discusses several training and drill exercises that can be used to practice the technique.

Baron Louis LeCoffrier
Martial Arts - Heavy Weapons
Martial Arts - Light Weapons

14th-15th Century Arming Garments for Authenticity

14th-15th Century Arming Garments for Authenticity

Duke Laurelen discusses arming garments, with a focus on the 14th and 15th century styles.

Duke Laurelen Darksbane
Arts & Sciences - Fiber Arts
History - 1400 - 1500