University Faculty
The University recognizes five (5) tiers of teaching. Those who have registered and teach classes will be referred to as faculty.
Fellow - In order to attain the tier of Fellow, a faculty member must have:
- Registered with the ROIU as a teacher.
- Taught 12 class sessions covering a minimum of 4 different class topics.
Instructor - In order to attain the tier of Instructor, a faculty member must have:
- Attained the tier of Fellow
- Be a SCA member in good standing
- Taught an additional 12 class sessions covering a minimum of 4 different class topics.
Adjunct - In order to attain the tier of Adjunct, a faculty member must have:
- Attained the tier of Instructor
- Be a SCA member in good standing
- Taught an additional 12 class sessions covering a minimum of 4 different class topics.
Lector - In order to attain the tier of Lector, a faculty member must have:
- Attained the tier of Adjunct
- Be a SCA member in good standing
- Taught an additional 12 class sessions covering a minimum of 4 different class topics.
Professor - In order to attain the tier of Professor, a faculty member must have:
- Attained the tier of Lector
- Be a SCA member in good standing
- Taught an additional 12 class sessions covering a minimum of 4 different class topics.
Class Sessions vs. Class Topics
- A class session is defined as a single teaching instance. Whether it is in-person or online teaching, each instance of a faculty member teaching a class is a session.
- A class topic is the subject of the class.
- Different levels of a class on the same subject count as different class topics. For example, Beginning Basket Weaving, Intermediate Basket Weaving, and Advanced Basket Weaving are three different class topics.
- Classes about the same general subject but focusing on different factors (such as time period or location) count as different class topics. For example, Magic in 12th Century Spain is different from Magic in 15th Century Spain. Both would be different from Norse Magical Traditions.
- A class topic may be taught in no more than 3 class sessions for credit. The count of sessions may extend across teaching tiers, but does not reset at the next teaching tier. For example, Magic in 12th Century Spain may be taught twice while a faculty member is attaining their Adjunct tier, but then may only be counted one more time in the upper teaching tiers, for a total of 3 class sessions.
- There is a minimum requirement of 4 class topics per teaching tier. Class topics can be used across multiple tiers so long as there are not more than 3 total class sessions per topic.
Teaching one pager.pdf
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Teaching one pager.pptx
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