Weapons - 4 video series

Weapons - 4 video series

The knight had an entire arsenal of ferocious weapons at his disposal. In Episode 5, Jason investigates these, concentrating on the sword, the iconic medieval weapon, but also addresses some weapons he believes would actually have been more appropriate to a mounted warrior.

Modern History TV


Martial Arts - Heavy Weapons


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Virtual Scribal Class 02: Morgan Black Hours, f. 20v, c.1475

Virtual Scribal Class 02: Morgan Black Hours, f. 20v, c.1475

Virtual Scribal Class 02 - 2020-04-09 - Scriptorium Malagentian from Camille's dining room. Morgan Black Hours, f. 20v, c.1475

Camille DesJardins


Arts & Sciences - Visual Arts


Virtual Scribal Class 01: Queen Isabella of Castille, f. 460v, c.1497

Virtual Scribal Class 01: Queen Isabella of Castille, f. 460v, c.1497

"Squashed Bug" margin design from the Breviary of Queen Isabella of Castille, f. 460v, c.1497 (http://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/FullDisp...). Gouache on Bristol.

Mistress Camille


Arts & Sciences - Visual Arts


Very Secret Sex Lives of Medieval Women

Very Secret Sex Lives of Medieval Women

Overview of the history, rules, and practices that governed the sex lives of medieval women from the surviving documents of the time. Includes interesting tidbits and excerpts.

Rosalie Gilbert


History - 1300 - 1400

SCA Studies - Period Living

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Underpainting: historical usage and application for SCA illumination

Underpainting: historical usage and application for SCA illumination

In this class, students will spend most of the time practicing different types of underpainting (or applying paint under the main color) to achieve different effects. A brief overview of historical examples and the science behind its re-discovery and visual effects will be provided.

Dona Perin de la Serena
Arts & Sciences - Visual Arts

Using Tools of the Future to Make Objects and Tools of the Past

Using Tools of the Future to Make Objects and Tools of the Past

A demonstration of using 3D printing software to design 3D printed Medieval tools. This class uses a wax seal stamp as the example.

Variant of Normal


Arts & Sciences - Functional Arts


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Viking Clothes - What did the Vikings wear?

Viking Clothes - What did the Vikings wear?

How do we know which clothes the Vikings wore and from where do we have this knowledge from? That is the question that I intend to answer today. Fashion is not a new thing, people have for thousands of years dressed themselves in the best clothes they could afford.



History - Prehistory - 1100

Arts & Sciences - Fiber Arts