

Come settle in to Kalbardr's Korner as he teaches his second games class of the week. Senet. This is a game of skill where the rules have been largely pieced together. Come learn this ancient game played by the pharaohs of old.

Richard Harris


SCA Studies - Period Living


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Sewing with Sir Mari Episodes 2 and 3: A Rapier Hood (2 Videos)

Sewing with Sir Mari Episodes 2 and 3: A Rapier Hood (2 Videos)

A 2 part series designed to teach how to make a hood for Rapier Combat in the SCA.

Sir Mari


Arts & Sciences - Fiber Arts

Martial Arts - Light Weapons

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Shakespeare on Toast

Shakespeare on Toast

Shakespeare in the Original Pronunciation by Ben Crystal. A 9 part presentation on Shakespeare, performing OP Productions in the Globe Theater, and the differences between Received Pronunciation (Proper British) and Original Pronunciation (a recreation of how the language may have sounded in Shakespeare's time).

Ben Crystal


Arts & Sciences - Performing Arts

History - 1500 - 1600

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Shields - 4 videos

Shields - 4 videos

If you anticipate someone trying to stab you with things, you're going to want to get yourself a shield. In Episode 3, Jason explores the development of the shield and what its evolving shape over the medieval period can tell us about the fighting styles and battle tactics of the age. Then he gets to experience some of that for himself, as he joins in a shield wall contest!

Modern History TV


Martial Arts - Heavy Weapons


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Shields - Prep and Art Discussion

Shields - Prep and Art Discussion

This class will cover the basics of canvassing and preparing your shield for painting. I have included a handout that has a walkthrough for how to canvas an aluminum shield. Further, we will discuss canvas prep, artistic design, and some tricks to help you with painting a shield (including the cheat list of how to transfer art/use open source images) To enable screen reader support, press Ctrl+Alt+Z To learn about keyboard shortcuts, press Ctrl+slash

Duchess Helga Skjaldmaer
Arts & Sciences - Visual Arts

Shooting with the Baron: Aiming and Breathing

Shooting with the Baron: Aiming and Breathing

Correcting aiming problems and improving consistency NOTE: These videos have very low volume additional speakers may be needed to hear well.

Erik Sateren


Martial Arts - Archery


Shooting with the Baron: Setting up an Archery Field

Shooting with the Baron: Setting up an Archery Field

Setting up the Archery Field and running an archery round. Covering setup, safety, marshaling, and controlling the range. Standard shoots and unique fun shoots are discussed as well. NOTE: These videos have very low volume additional speakers may be needed to hear well.

Erik Sateren


Martial Arts - Archery

SCA Studies - Event Management

Tarot - Card Game

Tarot - Card Game

The mystical and magical Tarot deck. What is today used for divination, was previously used for games! Lord Kalbardr will be teaching all about the Tarot deck and games that you can play with it.

Kalbardr Gyllir


SCA Studies - Period Living
