Knightly Art: Armor as a Medium of Memory

Knightly Art: Armor as a Medium of Memory

an overview of how armor has functioned since the fifteenth century. Discussion about armor's potential as a site of meaning and memory through the lens of provenance and collecting history, as well as the changes that many armors have undergone in order to fit viewers' visions of the knightly past

Dr. Kirchoff (Lorica Clothing)
Arts & Sciences - Functional Arts
History - 1400 - 1500

Pitch Pot

Pitch Pot

Ouyang is grabbing her arrows and preparing for war! This game is one of skill and agility. I mean, it is literally throwing arrows! Its a ton of fun to both watch and play.



Martial Arts - Archery

SCA Studies - Period Living

Textile Conservation for Reenactors

Textile Conservation for Reenactors

How to wash/dry/store/repair garb and other precious textiles

Callie Jerman


Arts & Sciences - Fiber Arts


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Cloth of Steel: Costume Armour of the German Renaissance

Cloth of Steel: Costume Armour of the German Renaissance

Discussion on costume armour of the German Renaissance. The difference between parade and functional armor.

Tobias Capwell
Arts & Sciences - Functional Arts
History - 1400 - 1500